Economics of integrating renewable energy into electricity grids and forest biomass papers
van Kooten, G.C. and F. Mokhtarzadeh, 2019. Optimal Investment in Electric Generating Capacity under Climate Policy. Journal of Environmental Management, in press.
Gebreegziabher, Z., G.C. van Kooten and D. van Soest, 2017. Technological Innovation and Dispersion: Environmental Benefits and the Adoption of Improved Biomass Cookstoves in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia, Energy Economics 67(September): 337-345.
van Kooten, G.C. 2017. California Dreaming: The Economics of Renewable Energy, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(1): 19-41.
van Kooten, G.C., J. Duan and R. Lynch, 2016. Is There a Future for Nuclear Power? Wind and Emission Reduction Targets in Fossil-Fuel Alberta, PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165822.
van Kooten, G.C., 2016. The Economics of Wind Power, Annual Review of Resource Economics 8(1): 181-205.
Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2016. Global Trade Impacts of Increasing Europe’s Bioenergy Demand, Journal of Forest Economics 23: 27-44.
Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Back to the Past: Burning Wood to Save the Globe, Ecological Economics 120(December): 185-193.
Johnston, Craig and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2015. Economics of Co-firing Coal and Biomass: An Application to Western Canada, Energy Economics 48:7-17.
Johnston, Craig M.T. and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2014. Economic Consequences of Increased Bioenergy Demand, The Forestry Chronicle 90(5): 636-642.
Timilsina, Govinda R., Patrick A. Narbel and G Cornelis van Kooten, 2013. Global Wind Power Development: Economics and Policies, Energy Policy 61: 642-652.
Sopinka, Amy, G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Wong, 2013. Reconciling Self-Sufficiency and Renewable Energy Targets in a Hydro Dominated System: The View from British Columbia, Energy Policy 61: 223-229. doi. 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.05.068
Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. Does Community and Household Tree Planting Imply Increased Use of Wood for Fuel? Evidence from Ethiopia, Forest Policy and Economics 34: 30-40.
van Kooten, G.C., C.M.T. Johnston and L. Wong, 2013. Wind versus Nuclear Options for Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World: Strategizing in an Energy-Rich Economy, American J Agricultural Economics 95(2): 505-511. doi:10.1093/ajae/aas094
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2013. Climate Change, Climate Science and Economics: Prospects for an Alternative Energy Future. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. In press 435pp.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2012. Wind Energy Policy. Chapter 2.17 (pp.541-568) in Comprehensive Renewable Energy. Volume 2 – Wind Energy, edited by J. K. Kaldellis. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
McWilliam, Michael K., G. Cornelis van Kooten and Curran Crawford, 2012. A Method for Optimizing the Location of Wind Farms, Renewable Energy 48: 287-299.
Scorah, Hugh, Amy Sopinka and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2012. The Economics of Storage, Transmission and Drought: Integrating Variable Wind Power into Spatially Separated Electricity Grids, Energy Economics 34(2): 536–541. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2011.10.021
Niquidet, Kurt, Brad Stennes and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2011. Bio-energy from Mountain Pine Beetle Timber and Forest Residuals: The Economics Story, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 60(2): In press.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2011.Economic Analysis of Feed-in Tariffs for Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources. Chapter 8 in Handbook on Energy and Climate Change edited by Roger Fouquet. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Monahan, Katherine and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2010. The Economics of Tidal Stream and Wind Power: An Application to Generating Mixes in Canada, Environmental Economics 1(1): 92-101.
Boronowski, Susan, Andrew Rowe, Peter Wild and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2010. Integration of Wave Power in Haida Gwaii. Renewable Energy 35(11): 2415-2421. doi:10.1016/jrenene.2010.02.017.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis and Linda Wong, 2010. Economics of Wind Power when National Grids are Unreliable, Energy Policy 38: 1991-1998. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2009.11.080.
Stennes, Brad, Kurt Niquidet and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2010. Implications of Expanding Bioenergy Production from Wood in British Columbia: An Application of a Regional Wood Fibre Allocation Model, Forest Science 56(4): 366-378.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2009. Wind Power: The Economic Impact of Intermittency, Letters in Spatial & Resource Sciences 3: 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s12076-009-0031-y
Prescott, Ryan and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2009. The Economics of Wind Power: Destabilizing an Electricity Grid with Renewable Power, Climate Policy 9(2): 155-168.
Maddaloni, Jesse D., Andrew M. Rowe and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2008. Wind Integration into Various Generation Mixtures, Renewable Energy 34(3): 807-814. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2008.04.019
Maddaloni, Jesse D., Andrew M. Rowe and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2008. Wind Integration into Various Generation Mixtures, Renewable Energy 34(3): 807-814. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2008.04.019
Benitez, Liliana E, Pablo C. Benitez and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2008. The Economics of Wind Power with Energy Storage, Energy Economics 30(4): 1973-1989.
Prescott, Ryan, G Cornelis van Kooten and Hui Zhu, 2007. The Potential for Wind Energy Meeting Electricity Needs on Vancouver Island, Energy & Environment 18(6): 723-746.