Graduate Students

PhD Students (current positions in parentheses):

20. Jon Duan, Ph.D., 2022(September), Department of Economics, University of Victoria. (Senior economist, Ministry of Education, Government of British Columbia, Victoria).
19. Sheri Liu, Ph.D., 2021(August), Department of Economics, University of Victoria (Senior economist, BC Investment, Government of British Columbia, Victoria).
18. Baojing Sun, Ph.D., 2015. Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China (Economist, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria).
17. Craig Johnston, PhD, 2014(October). Economics, University of Victoria (Assistant Professor of Forest Economics, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
16. Zhen (‘Zach’) Xu, PhD, 2014(April). Geography, University of Victoria (Climate Change Economist, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON)
15. Patrick Withey, PhD, 2012(March). Economics, University of Victoria (Associate Professor, St Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia)
14. Tim Bogle, PhD, 2012(November). Geography, University of Victoria (Senior Forest Economist, Government of British Columbia, Victoria)
13. Amy Sopinka, PhD, 2012(November). Geography, University of Victoria (Senior Economist, Government of British Columbia, Victoria)
12. Alison J. Eagle, PhD, 2009(June). Social Sciences, Wageningen University, TheNetherlands. (Post-doctoral research associate, University of Alberta)
11. Tracy Stobbe, PhD, 2008(June). Economics, University of Victoria. (Assistant Professor, Trinity Western University, British Columbia)
10. Geerte Cotteleer, PhD, 2008(September). Social Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
9. Zenebe Gebreegziabher, PhD, 2007(October). Social Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (joint w Arie Oskam) (Professor, University of Mekele, Ethiopia)
8. Lili Sun, PhD, 2006(May). Economics, University of Victoria. (Economist, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, BC)
7. Murray A. Rudd, PhD, 2003(December). Social Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (join w Henk Folmer) (Senior Lecturer, University of York, UK)
6. Maria Nijnik, PhD, 2002(June). Social Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (joint w Arie Oskam) (Senior Economist, James Hutton Institute, Scotland)
5.Bryan Bogdanski, PhD, 2001(March). ForestResources Management, UBC. (Economist, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, BC)
4. Takuyat Takahashi, PhD, 2000(September). Resource Management & Environmental Studies, UBC (joint w Ilan Vertinsky) (Professor University of Ishigi Prefecture, Japan)
3. Brad Stennes, PhD, 2000(September). ForestResources Management, UBC. (Senior Economist & Research Director, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, BC)
2. Patrick Kinyua, PhD, 1998(July). Forest Resources Management, UBC. (Professor, University of Nairobi)
1. Sen Wang, PhD, 1998(January). ForestResources Management, UBC. (Senior Economist and Director, Canadian Forest Service, Ottawa)

Masters Students

Economics (UVic): Atefeh Zeinolebadi, Papa Owusu, Chenyang Xia, Rebecca Zanello, Yin Shi, Brennan McLachlan, Julia Zhu, Tony Mogus (joint w. B. Stennes), Kurt Niquidet, Andy Ni, Jianping Shi (joint with N. Roy), Tom Hobby, Man Wang, An Liu, Jack Buchanan, Shannon Pendergast-Ramage (thesis) (joint w J. Clarke), Jesse Yamaguchi, Katherine Monahan, Brant Abbott, Hugh Scorah, Linda Wong, Jeff Drew, Matt Zahynacz, Nick Hartley, Devon Friesen, Nancy Guo, Sheri Liu.

Engineering (UVic): Jesse Maddaloni (joint w A.Rowe), Andrew Gassner (joint w Peter Wild)

Applied Economics & Statistics (University of Nevada, Reno): James Manley, Roy Thomsen, Andrea Meyer

Agricultural Economics (UBC, U of Saskatchewan): R. Gilsenan, P. Suchánek, M.A. Rudd, A.K. Ells, G. Delcourt, M. Soucie, V. Watson, R. Athwal, F. Otsuka, M. Addo, G. Brown, D. Chinthammit, W.P. Weisensel, G. Konteos, K.A. Hayward, V.M. Mitura

Forest Resources Management (UBC): P. Graham, S. Wang, K.G. Loewen

MBA (University of Groningen): J.V. van Marken, K. Kafoe, G.W. Klok